Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Health Care and a letter to my local representative...

To: Dana Rohrabacher (R)

Dear Dana Rohrabacher,

I have read the Healthcare section of your web site and glad to see that you at least believe in the right for affordable health care for all Americans.

As you know already the current rising costs of health care are hurting Americans and American businesses trying to provide insurance to their employees.

Worst of all are the individuals that desperately need health care insurance but cannot afford it or have a pre-existing condition that is allowing insurance companies to completely deny them of any coverage.

I would like to share a quick story of one of these individuals with you. His name is "Eric De La Cruz" and he was denied coverage due to a pre-existing heart condition. Eric's loving sister Veronica De La Cruz (Ex web Anchor - tried to take a stand and support her brother in his time of need as his heart condition began to get worse and desperately needed a heart transplant.

For 5 years she fought to get her brother on a heart transplant list and for the coverage he needed. She eventually turned to the internet and TV media, sharing the story of her brother to others. Without having the funds to pay for her brother's medical bills - individuals like myself donated to her cause. While she did receive enough funds to help cover the costs - it was not enough.

She still had to FIGHT to get her brother the medical attention he needed. Eventually with enough support he was eventually admitted in for treatment and put on a donor list.
Unfortunately on July 4th, 2009 - Eric De La Cruz passed away while under medical care.(

Why did this happen? Because he was unable to get the care that he needed soon enough. 5 years he had to wait for normal citizens like myself to help pay for something that no insurance company was willing cover. He was denied the RIGHT to health care and therefore the right to LIVE.

I believe that everyone should have the right to LIFE and I’m sure if anyone in your family was in the same situation you would fight for them to get the care that they needed.

We cannot let this happen to others in the same or similar situation. THE TIME FOR CHANGE IS NOW!

While I am one of the lucky few that still has a job that offers reliable health care to my and my coworkers - I still believe that others not as fortunate as me still deserve that same right.
This is why I am strongly urging you to please pass the House bill, HR 3200 – America’s Affordable Health Choices Act.

America’s Affordable Health Choices Act would save people – an average of $2,200 per year.

This bill would give others access to quality, affordable health care and end immoral and deadly insurance industry practices like denying care for pre-existing conditions.

And, this bill is deficit neutral and will save money in the long run by lowering health care costs for everyone.

You have a chance to make history by supporting and helping to pass this bill by making healthcare affordable to all of us and most importantly those that need it.

Thank you for your time and I hope to hear some positive news by my representative on this important manner.

Mickey Frklic

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